6 kinetic installations
The art bike route “Van Hier Tot Ginder” winds through the rural areas of Deventer. The artwork traces (sporen) served as the common thread on this route, with circles in the landscape appearing at 6 different locations. The traces are abstract, evoking associations with crop circles or witch circles. Just as in the sagas and legends for which Salland is known, a connection can be drawn here between the everyday and the supernatural, the earthly and the cosmic.
description: Circles have been placed in the landscape at 6 locations. The circles consist of 12 or 16 inflatable balls (ø 40 cm) attached to metal rods (they sway in the wind), with variations in height (120 cm / 180 cm / 240 cm / 275 cm), and diameters ranging from 4 to 60 m.
exposition: Kunstfietsroute Van Hier Tot Ginder
location: Salland, Overijssel (NL)
commissioned by: Kunstenlab, Deventer